Yarn Therapy

I feed my yarn addiction

Fun Knitting Retreat

…where I met, among others, Wendy of Wendy Knits fame.  We had a lot in common–both of us have Siamese-type cats, both of us are lefties and both have red hair. She knits better than I do, though.

I also met and took classes from Jared Flood, Kate Gagnon and Courtney Kelley, and Tanis Gray. Tanis just moved to the DC area, so I hope to see more of her.

This event was put on by fibre space (my favorite yarn store!) at the O Street Mansion in Dupont Circle. What an amazing place! I’ll try to post some more pictures of the house after I recover.

Oh, Blog, How I Have Neglected You…

….in favor of Ravelry and Facebook.

I can’t resist posting my new FO, the Chevron Sleeved Cardigan executed in two colors of Noro, 40 and 209. I just love it. I will definitely get attention for this one, whether I want it or not!


Redoing Amelia’s Room, Part 1

Amelia actually hinted for a Spiderman room, so I defensively offered to redecorate her room with a Wizard of Oz theme. I don’t have anything against the Webbed Wonder, I just don’t want him on the walls, etc. Wizard of Oz is a timeless classic, which Amelia has loved for years, so it is a safe bet.

We put blue and white gingham on the bed and the windows.bed
Found this cool frame (which Amelia inserted our pictures into) frame
We hot-glued “jewels” to a cheap, IKEA mirror to suggest the Emerald City…mirror
…and we glued jewels onto this tin sign dorothy

Other items are in the works, but the majority is done.

There’s no place like home!

Next entry: real life knitting!

Bowling for Noro



Four days ago, it was 19 degrees with 5 inches of snow. Today, there is little left but the memory–it was 76 degrees! Amelia went to her friend’s birthday party at the bowling alley; her first time bowling. Here is an action shot.

spotsycouchSpotsy prefers the couch, although we did take a nice long walk today.

Oh, and I made a Noro Hat. The picture doesn’t do the Noro Kureyon #229 justice, but I am using it again in the next project. I am addicted!

SP13-The Final Installment



My final SP 13 box arrived, and it was very unique. I received a lovely tea set with a tea cup, saucer and plate, some tea, chocolate (!), Burt’s Bee’s Lip Balm, Berroco Soft Twist Yarn, a handmade dishcloth with a tea cup on it, and Amelia’s wonderful monkey slippers! Thanks, Jennifer!

Waiter, Uh, Can I See the Other Menu?

An innocent five-year-old girl approached me this morning when I was barely awake. She was pretending to be a waiter, as evidenced by her fake “deep” voice. Handing me a tiny toy bowl, she proclaimed, “Here is your Fruit Diarrhea.”

When I laughed, she became highly insulted and stomped off. What would Martha Stewart do?

The Best Valentine’s Day…

…with all my favorite things! Jewelry : DH gave me a pair of pearl drop earrings (I had just been looking for a pair online yesterday!) Unfortunately, the pictures didn’t turn out. Have you ever tried to take a photo of your own ear? You’ll have to trust me, they are perfect.

Chocolate: DD gave me some chocolate and a little bear,


but my favorite present was this homemade valentine:



Since this is a day of my favorite things (raindrops on roses and whiskers on kittens notwithstanding), it included yarn.

I have been working faithfully on Oblique, non-characteristically sticking to one project mainly because I really want a new sweater to wear. However, Vicki Square wrote in the new Interweave Knits “Knit anything and everything you want…” Well, then! That’s all I needed to hear. I’ve been resisting casting on for more projects, so I queued up two. Pro Bono in Storm Moon Knits Celestial Bulky in the colorway Crocodile Rock is first. I really only have one hat I like to wear these days, so I’m going to enjoy having a new hat.


I know I said I was swearing off green, but I can quit any time I want, I tell you! Please don’t call Intervention.

Of course, the best part of Valentine’s Day is my little sweetheart of a girl. Here she is at her party at school yesterday. Parties are the bomb for 5 year olds.


Happy Valentine’s Day to All

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Christmas Comments for Myspace

It’s Not That Easy Being Green; But Not Bad

You Are Mint Green

Balanced and calm, you have mastered the philosophy of living well.
Your friends seek you out for support, and you are able to bring stability to chaotic situations.
You’re very open and cheerful – and you feel like you have a lot of freedom in life.
Your future may hold any number of exciting things, and you’re ready for all of them!
What Color Green Are You?
I don’t know about the calm and balanced part, but it sure sounds good!

A Belated Thanks to My Secret Pal 13

I don’t blog when I’m in a personal crisis, so a belated thanks and apology to my Secret Pal, who thoughtfully sent me a package that arrived last week.

I enjoyed: two balls of Lion Brand Wool in a soft green, a note pad with green, leafy decorations on it, two packages of cocoa mix and a little box of life savers. A good pick-me-up.

Thanks, Pal! Looking forward to the reveal.